Attention: Beginner Singers...

Do You Like to Sing But Lack the Confidence Because You Don't Know How to Control Your Voice?

Do you struggle to sing in tune, higher and with a good tone?

Do you want to sing with confidence in front of other people?

This free ebook helps you to:

  • Stop wasting time on vocal tricks
    that don't work
  • Understand how your voice works
  • Sing with a stronger/better tone easily
  • Sing higher and sing high notes easily
  • Sing louder without damaging your voice
  • Sing in all contemporary vocal styles - build a strong foundation in any style that you want to sing (even metal)
  • Sing with confidence in front of people

FREE E-BOOK: Closet Singer to Confident Singer

Discover the secret concept that will change the way you sing forever

Imagine you liking the sound that comes out of your mouth
And singing with confidence
Because you deserve to be heard

To get your free e-book, simply fill in your name and email below and press the red button

Please note: By signing up, you agree to receive email newsletters from us. There is no catch. This e-book is completely free. We hate spam as much as you do. We will never sell or rent your email address. We only send out emails which we think could help you sing better. You can unsubscribe at any time.


Benny Ng

Singing Teacher

I've been teaching singing since 2011. I've helped hundreds of beginners sing with confidence. Singing didn't come easily to me. I want to help you avoid the mistakes that I made. That way, you can become a confident singer quicker.

Download Your Free E-Book Now

Start singing with confidence today. Your voice deserves to be heard.

"It’s so interesting… I’ve done singing lessons and musical theatre before but no one’s actually explained this to me in this way… It helps me to connect the dots…"

Maddie Willis

"Lessons with Benny helped me to quickly understand the rudiments of singing, allowing me to sing more clearly, with more control and with less strain. We explored a lot of really useful techniques that have led to a bit of a breakthrough with my singing. Well worthwhile."
